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Ampcus is committed to sound environmental practices in conducting our business. We recognize that protecting and maintaining the quality of the environment is an integral part of the company’s operations and acknowledge our responsibility to ensure that materials, products, and wastes are handled and disposed of properly.

Ampcus does not deal with hazardous materials, nor allows them in the workplace, and we seek to maintain a low carbon footprint by considering environmental impacts across our value chain. Furthermore, Ampcus is committed to continual improvement in its environmental performance related to energy conservation and recycling.

We have established environmental goals and work to sustain progress in achieving those goals. For example, in 2017, Ampcus completed its global technology initiative by transitioning to energy efficient equipment in its offices & data centers. This included a multi-year investment to replace computers, data center storage, enterprise servers, network equipment, etc. operating in Ampcus facilities to certified products that are designed to save energy through more efficient power management.

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